For a long time I’ve been dreaming of some long journey to some faraway country. I always travelled a lot but most of my trips were within Europe of America. Finally I felt I need something more. Originally I am from Sweden, so the most distant country I could reach seemed to by Australia. And then I decided to do everything to go there as soon as possible.
Just 3 months later I was strolling along Canberra’s street enjoying awesome weather and looking for kangaroos. Yes, I have got to Australia, my dream destination. How I did it, what did I have to do to go there, how long have I spent there, how my life looked like and so on… Responses for all of these questions, you can find here, on the blog. Indeed I started blogging to share my life, my travel experiences with other people.
Anyways, personally I graduated in Architecture, but I guess I should have choose another major… Now I am 27 and I know that my life passion is travelling. Not only do I travel a lot but I try to report all my trips on my blogs. Well, I run a few blogs. One is about food. I mean, each journey I do I describe in terms of cuisine of the places I visit. I love eating, I love trying new things so you may be sure you will find there a lot of delicious recipes from many unpopular corners of the world.

Another blog is about my shorter and longer journeys within Europe. I update it regularly cause regularly I travel across the continent. And this blog is totally devoted to my stay in Australia. I decided to put here all my activities before and during the trip. Here you can read about people that I met, everything I experienced and so on. Everything what related to my Australian Dream is here.